Monday, August 6, 2012

A MIRACLE BFP 16 DPO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot believe that I'm actually getting to post these words! It's unreal, I just can't even believe, I'm beside myself!!!! Got my BFP this morning with SMU and it's clear as day! Like OMG!! Wow, it feels too good to be true.

Thank You Lord, thank You!!!

So today started out like any other, I expected my temp to drop some more. I was not trusting when FF said my O date was so the app said I should have started yesterday but my calculations I thought I really would have started today. On 14 DPO (or 13 by my calculations) I woke up in the middle of the night with some slight spotting. And seeing as how FF expected AF to start the next day, I assumed it was AF showing up already. Well when I got up the next morning, there was no blood whatsoever. Which I thought was weird. So I thought, if I spotted last night, I've gotta start in a day or two. My temps have been dropping for 3 days straight so I knew there was no way. But when I woke up this morning, my temp shot back up to 98.0. And I though, how could that be? What's up with that? Then I got a little hopeful. I headed out for work, stopped by Wally world and bought some FRER's and came in to work. I had a really really bad weekend with my husband's ex wife and mother being really cruel to me and lying and calling me a bad stepmother and it was just awful. Now I can't see my youngest stepdaughter because of it so my whole weekend was nothing but alot of crying. So when I came in to work, I had to tell my office manager about the events of the weekend. She of course was very sympathetic and made me feel alot better. She's like a second mamma to me and is always there for me. After all that and crying, I decided to sneak to the bathroom and take a test. So I did, and right away, second line!!! I was faint at first but got very dark after it sat for the whole 5 minutes. Oh my gosh I could have screamed for joy in that bathroom! I jumped up and down and did a little happy dance and praised the Lord for this blessing! We were sooo sure this month was a no go because the last bd'ing we did didn't seem to be very successful. But lo and behold, apparently his swimmers are still good!

The first person I told was my bestie who has a 2 year old little boy who is my god son. She has been my bestie since we were 3 years old and I love her dearly. She's been there for me every step of this journey as my encouragement and shoulder to cry on. I don't know what I'd do without her! Of course you'd think I'd tell my hubby first but he's at work and I couldn't talk to him. I did text him the photo of the positive HPT though so I'm sure as soon as he gets off he's gonna get a huge surprise! Maybe he won't break down and cry in front of all his coworkers lol. But I know it will make the rest of his week much better.

I will go for labs this afternoon. My doc's nurse said he wants to make sure my progesterone levels are good and my beta is good. So if you pray, please pray all that comes out great! If my progesterone is not great they will give me supplements. I've been using a cream but it's not as potent as what they prescribe. I'm on my prenatals already and also on metformin that I'm assuming they want me to continue.

For a breakdown of my symptoms by DPO, this is what I can remember:

1dpo: nothing out of the ordinary, just leftover cramping from O
2dpo: same
3dpo: still some cramping, not much, nothing else new
4dpo: noticing that temps are flatlining at 97.7, sort of strange
5dpo: creamy cm, back hurts, feel bloated, bad heartburn
6dpo: backache, bloated, crampy, heartburn, boobs starting to hurt
7dpo: cervix soft, closed (normal for this time) backache, heartburn, huge temp spike up to 98.2
8dpo: backache, cervix medium, closed, heartburn, boobs sort of sore underneath, temps back down
9dpo: same, backache, boobs hurt underneath, heartburn
10dpo: backache, feel full in lower abdomen, cramps, bad headache, heartburn
11dpo: cervix high, firm, closed, cramps, no backache, headache, sore throat, excess postnasal drainage (yuck), temp 97.7
12dpo: temp up to  98.1, no cm, headache, boobs hurt underneath, sore throat, excess mucus in throat
13dpo: temp drop to 98 (really sounds like af on her way), still sore throat and excess mucus in throat, peeing several times at night
14dpo: temp drop to 97.9, so sure AF is gonna show up! slight spotting in middle of the night, gotta be af on her way. Sore throat gone, throat mucus still there, NO CM at all, boobs still sorta sore, peeing alot at night
15dpo: temp drop to 97.7, what is the deal here? where is af if my temp keeps dropping? No cm, boobs less sore, been a hard day so crying alot but with all the accusations and hatred flying at me it's expected I'd be crying anyway.
16dpo: temp shoots up to 98.0, what the heck?!! Hmm, go to pee, no AF at all, nothing. Take test at 9am, BFP!!! boobs not very sore at all, still have some excess mucus in throat, pretty emotional, can cry at the drop of a hat, noticed very tiny spot of blood on tp when I check cervix at 2 pm. Really praying this is for real and not chemical! The line is so dark on that test, I hope that that is a good sign!


  1. This is a great post!! Do you know how many days before your ovulation date you BD with your hubby? This is our first month TTC and we had a rocky start because of my hub's schedule and just wanna see if I have a chance!

  2. congrats!!

    I got a very faint bfp on 12dpo
    im now on 14dpo and I had a temp drop (still above coverline) but it went from 37.24 c (99.032 f yesterday) to 36.9c (98.42f)

    I'm scared that this little bean didn't stick...I have been spotting all along but I still (Thank God) haven't had AF show up yet....

    Hoping that there is still hope for me....

  3. Thank you so much for sharing! I was down and out the past couple of days because my temps seem to be going down little by little but this gives me hope! I am 12 DPO and I am standing on faith that God will (has!) bless me with my miracle baby too! Pray for me!

  4. I'm 16dpo not tested as too scared, gp claimed I was too fat to conceive, period was due yesterday so early days yet. Got a TVUSS next week

  5. My cervix is still medium high very thick and closed. My bbt was 98.7 and this morning dropped to 97.4. I am 8dpo. I'm so scared as i want this so bad it will be my 4th. Some mild cramping last night and lower abdomen was tender to the touch. Please help is it possible

  6. To God be all the glory. I am right now in the same situation like you and ipray that our merciful God will answer Me so i have a big testimony to give in Jesus Christ name Amen

  7. I have been married för 9 years and still beleiving God for children and i know that the good Lord will dö it for Me Amen

  8. To God be all the glory. I am right now in the same situation like you and ipray that our merciful God will answer Me so i have a big testimony to give in Jesus Christ name Amen

  9. To God be all the glory. I am right now in the same situation like you and ipray that our merciful God will answer Me so i have a big testimony to give in Jesus Christ name Amen

  10. 14 dpo AF was supposed to be here
    the 25th. Here I am day number two no AF.. afraid to test. no symptoms whatsoever so confused:/

  11. I am 13dp0. Af due tomorrow i have some backache and some cramps. My baby today was 97.9 as yesterday. I'm scared to take a test but seems like af on its way. But I still have hope maybe I will get my bro God be the glory. Congrats for ur bfp by the way.

  12. Your post gives me hope, my temp drop from 36.5 to 36.2 on 7dpo rise to 36.5 on 8dpo, drop 36.1 on 9dpo then 36.2 on 10dpo today 11dpo its 36.0 this chart is very unusual and confusing, also being having menstrual cramp for 4 days now and my pl is usually 13 to 15 days. Please your opinion matter.
