Wednesday, May 9, 2012

CD 23, 9 or 10 DPO

Well I'm not sure if I'm 9 or 10 dpo today, started looking at my chart on fertility friend and I think it may be wrong. It says I O'd on Sunday (Cd 13) but I was in alot of pain on Monday and that was the first day I got a negative OPK so my gut tells me I O'd on CD 14 so today should be 9 DPO. The compulsion to test this morning was too strong so I tested...BFN. Of course, I didn't expect anything. My hopes are resting on the fact that most people don't get a BFP until 11 or 12 DPO or later.

No significant symptoms to note really. No breast pain, no cramping. My temp is still rising (98.1 this morning) but I know it can rise until the day before or day of AF then drop so I'm not getting too excited yet. My CP is high and soft (sorry if tmi) which is not normal for me but again, could mean nothing. I should start on either Saturday or Sunday if I'm not pg. I'm really expecting the witch to show

Well we went and saw the new Avengers movie yesterday. It was so good! I'm not usually one for super hero movies but my hubby and son wanted so bad to see it I gave in. And wow was I impressed! What was even cooler was there was no cussing and no sex scenes at all! Who says a movie can't be good without all that other crap? lol It was awesome! But the whole time, someone was sitting a few rows up that had cologne on and that's all I could smell the whole time and it drove me nuts. I kept wanting to think "Maybe it's preggie sense?" lol but that's probably wishful thinking.

Sorry to be sort of negative today...I don't like this waiting game and each month that goes by gets harder and harder. My best friend encourages me so much and says she knows we're getting close that it's going to happen soon and I love her so much for always being so positive! I know that if I'm having a down day I can send her a text and she will always reply with something positive :-) love my soul sister! Well I'm off. Lunch soon and I am starving to death!

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